Your Search for: short bowel syndrome

55 Result(s)

​Cinnamon Chocolate Swirl Smoothie
Looking for something chocolaty, then this Cinnamon Chocolate Swirl Smoothie will really hit the spot. Perfect for when you want something refreshing and also a chocolate treat to perhaps satisfy your late summer evening chocolate cravings. This is a great one to keep handy when you want to take your smoothie with you on the go since you can add the Neocate® Junior, Chocolate powder directly to the mixture. After a quick shake...
​​Turkey & Guacamole “Not-so-Quesa-dillas” ​
This easy, allergy-friendly recipe incorporates Neocate® Junior, and you can make it in under 30 minutes. Try it...
​Very Veggie Cakes
Looking to add some variety to your child’s meals? Make these delicious veggie cakes using Neocate® Junior with Prebiotics, Unflavored. This recipe is great for your little one with food allergies and can be a tasty treat for the entire family to enjoy. This versatile recipe can be a game day snack or a side dish to a larger meal. This recipe can also be prepared using Neocate Splash,...
Vegetable Medley
Here is a quick and easy recipe using Neocate® Syneo® Infant to help introduce yummy veggies to your little one. In the following recipe, either Neocate® Syneo® Infant or Neocate® Infant DHA/ARA can be used. For nutritional information when using Neocate Syneo Infant, please see ‘Nutritional Information’ section below. For nutritional information when using Neocate Infant DHA/ARA, please see the ‘Notes’ section below. When using Neocate Syneo Infant, wait for the recipe to...
1. Prepare yourself for a milk elimination diet—take time to get ready! Starting an elimination diet half-way will not benefit your child. It is an all or nothing effort. Prepare to start a milk elimination diet. For parents, caregivers, or someone with a child requiring a special diet, learning milk and dairy products could cause significant harm to a child is stressful. This stress can be multiplied ten-fold if this is the first...
...Basic “Buttercream” Icing (Created by Laurie Carson) 1/2 cup shortening 1/2 cup suitable margarine 1 tsp vanilla 4 cups powdered sugar 3 Tbsp water Beat all ingredients together thoroughly. To make it thinner, add a little light corn syrup. You could add cocoa or carob powder to the icing to make it chocolate if desired. I also added a drop or two of almond extract to take away some of the sweetness, but it’s fine...
Going to Preschool or Daycare with Food Allergies
The first day of preschool or daycare is an exciting time for young children. It’s usually also an exciting time for parents, too! Sometimes, introducing little ones with food allergies and related conditions into a new environment can be scary. PREPARE FOR PRESCHOOL OR DAYCARE WITH FOOD ALLERGIES. If this situation is one you will face soon, then it’s crucial to educate your child’s teachers and caregivers about food allergy precautions and...
...of individuals aged one year and above with of cow milk allergy, multiple food allergies and related gastrointestinal and allergic conditions, including food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux, short bowel syndrome and malabsorption. My DME/Pharmacy/Home Healthcare Company says they do not have Neocate. Did you stop shipping Neocate to suppliers? We continue to prioritize our partnerships with medical distributors (including DMEs and home healthcare companies) who work with insurance carriers to supply families...

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